Flat Feet

Flat feet is the condition where the inner arch of the feet is unnoticeable or much  less noticeable. 

This condition naturally appears most commonly in children. If it persists in the person beyond childhood, it is structural and needs to be properly supported. Although pronation is a natural movement of the foot during the walking process, the absence of a foot arch (flat feet) can affect its ability to roll, causing over-pronation.


The causes range from… 

  • genetic conditions – for example:  bone/tendon positioning

  • acquired conditions – for example: trauma, cerebral palsy  

  • acquired injuries - for example: in adults it is usually the result of soft tissue injuries where tendons and ligaments have been torn.

What are the effects of flat feet?

  • Foot pain, which may be felt anywhere in the foot, depending on which part of the arch is dropping and which tendons are stretched or injured.

  • Altered placement of the foot on the ground, leading to pain in the calf, knee, thigh, the hip or the spine.

  • Achilles tendonitis. 

  • Uneven wearing of shoes.

  • Imbalance (particularly if only one foot is affected)


Doing something about Flat Feet is important. Flat Feet are not going to go away. 

  • Let’s start with children. With children, each case is different. All babies have flat feet and as the foot grows it is supported to develop the spring loaded capacity of a normal foot. Your podiatrist will assess whether the child’s issue is within normal change, or if it needs preventative measures.

  • General treatment involves the selection and use of quality footwear suitable to the foot type and degree of issue. 

  • Orthotic therapy: Custom-designed orthotic devices support the unique structure of each person’s feet. 

  • Sometimes ‘off the shelf’ inserts will suffice.

  • A qualified diagnosis from an experienced podiatrist will provide a treatment plan for each individual, and the severity and symptoms they present with.

Answering your questions and concerns about flat fleet is important to MyFamilyPodiatrist. We want you to be in the best position to actively address your issues and head towards better mobility.

Whatever approach is needed to improve your health, it will be a shared journey between you and our podiatrist, with your wellbeing central to the process.

Take the first step!